Thursday, January 6, 2011

Impossible Nine

The Mute Bubble

Me and my colleague's desks at work are facing each other. And while im tolerant to interruptions and usually welcome the breaks when someone comes in and asks about something whether it be work related or personal... she isnt as tolerant.

She starts hushing us or straight up asks us to leave the room.
So i was thinking what we could do to help her!

And then the mute button on our TV remotes come to mind! Only this button would probably not mute us but more like deafen her.

Ok not physically ofcourse... It's not like a rod will come out of the button and poke her ear drum out or anything.. NO NO!!

But maybe something that would create a noise muffling bubble around her and anything she touches. Thats so her desk and her computer would stay in her bubble!

Im not sure if this bubble would be like some magnetic field around her that has specific attributes to keep the noise frequencies away from her or would it be a physical airbag kind of bubble!!! :) I wouldnt wanna suffocate her too!

Well its a thought. Who has ideas!!


  1. I personally wouldn't care if she suffocates! :D
    But then we'll be so tempted to live in our own bubbles..bad idea!

  2. I guess you could be right hon. We might be inclined to live in our own bubble! Maybe we should make a doctor diagnosis profile for each buyer to see if he will be tempted to do that or not!! :)))))) Very complicated product! :)
