Saturday, December 10, 2011


Its soo cold these days. My hubby is wishing for a blanket that curls up under him and around him automatically leaving no room for cold air to come in.

Yeah... when you're cold... u can think of anything.

Friday, September 9, 2011

Impossible 13

5 months this time to get a new inspiration :). After being on vacation with many members of the family and having so many kids around. I could let my daughter stick to me all the time. That included putting her to sleeep in a diff floor in the house or a totally different house. So i was wondering if there is a way i could know if she woke up or is crying or anything happeneing out of the ordinary to her while iwas away. Then i thought what if there was a device that would send me a message telling me her status. Ie crying.. talking... anything. I know there is a baby monitor but how far could u get. Anyone knows of this invention already existing??

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Impossible 12

Well its been a busy time for us here in Egypt. Peoples revolution, counter revolution, people killing people, Old regime bastards clawing their ways back into power, military with the people or against, etc

And in the mid of it all, my aunt finds out she has colon cancer. BUMMER!!

Well anyway she went and had surgery to remove around 50cms of her colon. Lucky for her, she had a longer colon than normal.. so thats a good thing.. Thanks to God for preparing her body like that.

Anyway a couple of years ago she was diagnosed with cancer and had it removed and lived cancer free for a couple of years. And now it re-appears. I know its always an inactive cell somewhere that then decides to act up whenever it pleases...And we hope for the best.

Which then made me feel like this body is a computer. You delete a virus but it leaves a trace and acts up again at some point and sometimes you just need to format your drive. I wonder why cant we have this option for human body. Imagining that each system is a drive and formatting it when we need to. WOuldnt that be cool? I mean yes sometimes we will need to install all the drives again.. but why cant we do that too with human body!

OK im blabbering here... i dont know how this could happen... i just dont know why we never tried! Or maybe someone out there did but failed.

Does anyone know anything like that for real?

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Impossible 11

Ok... Yes im short. Im only 5'2. Yes i should wear high heels more often than anyone else i know.. And NO i dont like them at all and they arent my best friend.. or my friend for that matter. They just hurt me... in everyway.

Lately, i was wearing my high heel brown boots. They look good. I love they way high heels look. But i just hate how they make me feel. The middle part of my foot hurt so bad i wish i had someone give me a massage.

And then it hit me. What if we have a shoe that has this pillow like middle part the shoe has and make some kinda massaging tool. So even when you are wearing your shoe you can get a foot massage!!

I think this is one of my fav. wished for impossibles... that can actually be VERY VERY POSSIBLE!!

Some one PLLLLLLLEEEEASE do this for us. Genius women out there working in the shoe industry! PLEASE... PLEASE.... PLEASE think about it!!


Wednesday, January 19, 2011

2 WEEKS... and then an Impossible 10

Its been two weeks since i thought of anything. Damn it!!

But now that i hear some voices of people who give me different feelings in general i thought of something.. JUST NOW!

I thought, what if there was something that makes some kind of aura around a person to tell us if he is good or bad. Ok it doesnt have to be black and white.. Could be an aura to show his mood now. Dark mood, bright mood, zesty mood. Something like that.
This way we can make up our mind of whether to talk to this person about a specific subject or not. Im applying this in my head on people with me at work. Whether its my boss or a common friend or someone i dont like or whatever.

Ofcouse i would like to be able to use this techno on people but not on myself!
I'd hate to be wearing my heart of my sleeve so much. Or for better lack of words... my heart on my head. (Coz thats where i imagine the colored aura would be!!)

Yeah... ok i guess i AM a bit cartoonish after all!!

But not so bad... at least i came up with an idea.

So much for your contributions that i dont get! Come on you guys. Cant believe you cant think of ONE... just ONE single thing!! WOW!

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Impossible Contribution 4

I got two contributions today from a family member. And i thought they were kind of cool.

1. A human Charger. Its the kind that gives you energy. Something that would make you pretty much like the energizer bunny... You go on and on and on. Ofcourse, you can use this energy for whatever it is you wanna use it for. Some would use it to finish more work and make more money. Mothers would use it to be able to handle their kids, husbands and their house chores all together. And i bet men would think of some perverted way to use it too!! :) Im just not sure whether it will be a drink or a pill or some cable that would be plugged in through your.....ear i guess!! :)

2. Pleasure Refresher. Sometimes i wish i could get back that feeling of my wedding day. Or when i first found out i was pregnant. Or when i first looked in my daughters eyes.
Sometimes i wish i could remember or feel the same feeling i had when i first tasted some chocolate flavor, or the rush i got when i first bungy jumped etc.

How would it work? This pleasure refresher would probably either erase some of the pleasures we had so we could get that old feeling again... The feeling of a first time for everything! or...
Im not sure how else it can work really.

But anyway, i would like it alot if these inventions were real.. wouldnt you?

Impossible Nine

The Mute Bubble

Me and my colleague's desks at work are facing each other. And while im tolerant to interruptions and usually welcome the breaks when someone comes in and asks about something whether it be work related or personal... she isnt as tolerant.

She starts hushing us or straight up asks us to leave the room.
So i was thinking what we could do to help her!

And then the mute button on our TV remotes come to mind! Only this button would probably not mute us but more like deafen her.

Ok not physically ofcourse... It's not like a rod will come out of the button and poke her ear drum out or anything.. NO NO!!

But maybe something that would create a noise muffling bubble around her and anything she touches. Thats so her desk and her computer would stay in her bubble!

Im not sure if this bubble would be like some magnetic field around her that has specific attributes to keep the noise frequencies away from her or would it be a physical airbag kind of bubble!!! :) I wouldnt wanna suffocate her too!

Well its a thought. Who has ideas!!