Saturday, November 27, 2010


"There is no use trying" said Alice."One can't believe impossible things".
"I dare say you haven't had much practice" said the Queen. "When I was your age, I always did it for half an hour a day. Why, sometimes I've believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast."--Alice in Wonderland

This is quote that i came over and it actually inspired me. Sometimes I have these impossible thoughts... me, my friends and im sure lots of us wish for things that seem impossible... or more like new inventions,, whether they be personal dreams or simply an actual invention that would make life easier...

So i thought maybe i can share them with my friends or whoever is reading! They could sometimes be trivial thoughts to attain something really dumb but its a thought!

Anyway, i know some of my friends and some of you on cyberspace are quite inventive, creative and the dreamers... and so maybe we can share our thoughts... Who knows.. maybe someday someone out there will have the tools to make the impossible.. possible! :)

So i would very much like you to share with me your crazy thoughts or wishes of something to exist... whatever they may be and send it to me on for me to publish on my blog.

If the Queen of hearts can think of six things before breakfast...i sure as hell can think of atleast one per day.

Care to Join?

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