Sunday, November 28, 2010

Impossible One

Today i was playing around on hollywood makeover. I put a photo of me and put new hair style, makeup, lenses... you name it! I just looked lovely and was very happy with myself...

Then i thought... would it be too impossible if at some point in life... instead of just doing this on pictures we can make all the settings on the computer and then put our faces inside a machine and it implements everything on the picture to our faces?

Im not very good at applying make up.... eyeshadows, eyeliners, foundations, conceleares and hairstyles all arent my strongest point!

Maybe they should make a stamp that can be personalized with the make up you want and you can just stamp your face!! HAHAHAHAHAHA!

Well i guess for now its impossible.. unless some has a way of applying it! :)

"The Instant Makeup Kit"... i know i would buy it! :)

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