Monday, December 27, 2010

Impossible made possible

Yesterday i found out that one of my impossible thoughts was almost made possible on a smaller scale.

I found a product on the market that allows you to attach a piece to anything you are afraid to lose, and have a beeper with you.

And if you get too far from that object it starts to beep. So you can attach this piece to your keychain forexample and if you move away from it, your beeper will go on and so does the piece on your key chain. SO you will find your keys quickly.

Thats actually not such a bad idea assuming that you are afraid to lose one or two pieces coz then you will need to have two beepers on you. So you might have beepers all over you if you have more than two objects you are afraid to lose! :)

Also provided that you don't lose your own beeper or leave it beside your keys for example!! :)

Yes... even that is a possibility.

But i think there is progress. Obviously some one else is sick and tired of losing their keys like me!

Progress progress is on the way! :)

Monday, December 20, 2010

Impossible Eight

Create your outing

Sometimes i have such a hard time trying to figure out where the best place would be to go out with kids and all. And there doesnt seem to be a place safe enough or enjoyable enough for both parents and kids (except very few)

So i thought what if we could go to any empty space anywhere and create our own place to use
If we want a playground for kids..*click* and its there the way we imagine it
If we want italian food *poof* and there it is
If we want a pool.. *poof* and here it is again

Now this i can assume is the most impossible thing ive imagined so far!!

I dont even have any idea on how this would happen. Maybe we should die and go to heaven first! :D:D

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Impossible Contribution 3

Asked a friend for an invention she wishes would exist. And being a person who could get asthmatic at times due to her allergy of dust and pollution she imagined a country air purifier or something that vacuums the dust from the sky before it reaches us down here in the first place!

I think thats actually a great idea especially in our country here. Maybe it could be something like these inventions they think of to enter the eye of the storm (from the movie twister)

Anyone can help with that?

Friday, December 17, 2010

Impossible Seven

Auto Stock Control Fridge

Im not sure if this is already available in the markets or not but i was thinking of it.

What if we can enter into and electronic panel on the fridge door the recipe of the dish we want to make and then it can tell us what is missing in our fridge from the ingredients required. And while we are it it... i dont wanna really write the recipe.. i just want to write the dish's name and then the fridge tells me the recipe and what is missing for it. And while we are at it too... lets just have the fridge order from the online super market (that's probably there by now) everything missing.

And i suppose if the fridge can do all that, it can also check on the inventory of the fridge daily and have that stored so whenever i want to know how much of anything i have it will just tell me instead of me looking deep inside the freezer or the fridge shelves so i can re-stock or rather i should say the fridge will restock :)

I believe that if we can do this on a fridge.. we can also do it on a deep freezer that has several drawers or a box deep freezer so we wouldn't have t open it every time in order to check if we have bread!!!

Is this already around or is it really something that i came up with??

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Impossible Six

You know how sometimes your mobile totally disappears at home and you have to call yourself from someone else's mobile. Then, if you are lucky enough and your phone battery wasnt dead or you had forgotten it on silent mode, you hear it ringing under the sofa cushion or the load of quilts on your bed.

Now, dont you sometimes wish that you can ring to you car keys when you're in a hurry? or sometimes your wallet?
So i was thinking.. maybe in the future... everything manufactured would have a very small tiny inconspicous chip that would make a beeping sound once called for.

Yeah i know... how can we call for it?! Well at first i thought maybe a "Universal Remote" that has all the items you want on it... but it sounds really hard! I mean what if i wanna call for the last telephone invoice i paid!! Would all the papers in the house beep once i press the remote button? I dont know if that would work!

Maybe if everything had a key somehow. I mean an electronic code key. Then we can enter the key in the remote and hence only this item would beep. Or when we buy something we can scan its bar code ans store it in that universal remote, then look it up in the storage list and call for it by its barcode! Thats cool too!

ANd while i write this, i thought maybe we can literally "CALL OUT" that key as in sound recognition technology.... But that sounded alot better in my head.. now that i can read it!

WOW... that would be cool. So... Anyone interested to invest in this new high tech business?

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Impossible Five

Memory Searcher

The brain is quite a powerful piece of work. It stores a huge amount of information.
But sometimes due to so much information you cant remember specific things you need at a special moment (like a fight). And as we callit , we try to "Squeeze" our brains but to no avail. So i thought what if we had this option of searching our brain for a specific memory. Like pressing Ctrl + F on our computers.

Im not sure how we could do that.. but i imagine it like putting something on our head that can read our memory and then press ctrl + f (find option) :)

Anyone working on this idea yet? :))

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Impossible Contribution 2

Passion Restorer

Got this contribution from my sis... She is one talented girl in several fields.
She says: "The impossible thing i'd like to invent would be a device that can restore your passions, like when u have a passion for art but just lose interest coz u r depressed
u feel u want to do it but u cant get the zest to pick up your ass and go do it, so u settle for watchiung the same boring movie u know u hate for the 15th time instead."

I think lots of people share her yearning for such an invention including me!


Yeah... i know!! But i never said i WAS the queen of hearts. I'm not sitting all day on my throne resting my feet on a pigs belly you know!! Ok Ok… I'm not that creative! i cant think of one thing before breakfast coz I'm too sleepy, or before lunch coz I'm too hungry or before dinner coz I'm too busy tucking my daughter in! But I will try to post something soon... Very soon! So pardon me all. I will still be waiting for your contributions though! See ya all!

Monday, December 6, 2010

Impossible Four

"The impossible is often the untried"-- Jim Goodwin

Lately i heard about accident in my company's warehouse due to some workers trying to get things down from high shelves in a very unsade way. So i thought of thinking of a way that can help people do their job safely.

i thought if we had a ladder like the ones for libraries that are hooked at the top and move on wheels from one side to another. And beside this ladder an dmoving with it would be a set og rails that have a basket (like th ones of kids bicycles) but bigger and stronger that would move up and down mechanically like a firefighters lift. And hence the worker would go up the ladder and press a button to bring the basket up beside him, then he would put anything he wants in the basket and then press the button to send it down while he goes down the ladder empty handed.

Now that i think of it, why not just make an elevator that lifts people up and down anyway! WOuld it be more expensive coz it will need to hold heavier things? I dont know

Does anyone know if this ladder and lift is made already by someone and that i just havent seen this idea beforE?? Do tell me! It might be one impossible... made possible!

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Impossible Three

Emotion Freezer
Or should call it "our differences freezer"

I am guessing this would work best with divorced parents and their kids. WHat will it do? Ok its kind of like the memory eraser from men in black... except it just freezes any emotions of differences between people temporarily. ( i dont care if they are erased... coz sometimes its for the best)

For example.. if two divorced parents who hate each others guts have to be together in one place for the sake of their kids without making any scenes (like in the movie..That old feeling).. this would be the best invention.

Also for other occassions like your kids birthdays when two of the kids parents hate each other but the kids dont care.... How would they get together for the sake of the kids....

DING........... Emotional freezer.

EMOTIONAL FREEZER........... Buy one and get one enemy for free! :)